Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We're Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, you read that right. We are completely done and have already purchased our tickets. We leave May 26th from Houston. It's still hard to believe that we are actually done!

Right now we are just passing time...continuing with kids' schooling...packing here and there...and finishing up the last of our shopping of things we want to take with us.

I do apologize in the lack of posting...my mother-in-law has unreliable internet and I just now made it to the library to post this. I'll try to do better, but I'm sure we're only going to get busier from here on. So, until the next post...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

We're all moved.

We finished up all our moving this last Wednesday. I can't believe we got the house completely emptied, but we did! We moved down to Keith's mom's on Wednesday but are now back up in Houston for a few meetings.

My mother-in-law doesn't have internet in her house...well, she has dial-up, but it's soooooooo slow! So, we have to go to the library in town to check our e-mail and update the blog. So if we're slow in updating, you'll know why.

I'll have an Update posted in the next couple of weeks with our departure date. I can't believe we're finally at this point! Yay! It was a long road, but so worth it. We've been visiting with some friends from Northern Asia, and we're getting soo excited. We can hardly wait!