Monday, September 22, 2008

Still Here

Yes, we are still here. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time to do a detailed post of our latest activities, but I will post again when I have time. I'm sure everyone is wanting to know how Ike affected us.

But right now, I'd just like to ask everyone to remember my (Jaime's) mom. She went into the hospital last week with trouble breathing...and they found that she had a VERY low blood count. Long story short...they have discovered that her bone marrow is not making blood. They did a bone marrow biopsy last Thursday and have found that she does NOT have a serious cancer or leukemia. But they still don't know what is exactly wrong with her. They are continuing to run the test on the biopsy this week, and hopefully, we will have some answer on Thursday when the results come in. She is at home right now, but is doing poorly. But thankfully, we know Who is in control and our trust is in Him!

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