Monday, October 1, 2007

He's Been E-Ve-Ry-Where, Man

At least he will have been at the end of this week.

Keith's been busy for the last couple of weeks going to meetings all over South Texas. He's been down in the valley, to Corpus, to Victoria, San Antonio, Houston and then Beaumont and East Texas. Whew!! Needless to say, he'll be glad when this week's over and he can stay home for a few days. As much as he likes to stay home, these meetings have been beneficial, which is good news.

On another note, we broke down and bought the kids a fish tank and a few fish. They love it! Every now and then they stop at the tank and just watch their fish swim around. How fun. I'm so glad they're enjoying it. So, here's a picture of the tank, and then a few pictures of Caleb because they're just too cute not to share.

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