Thursday, October 18, 2007

Long Time, No Update

Sorry, guys...I didn't realize I hadn't updated in forever. We've just been so busy with traveling and meetings that I didn't have time.

We've just gotten back from Keith's parents house. We had a meeting in the valley, and then we'll be headed down there again this Monday. We have a meeting in Corpus Christi, but we're going early because Keith's mom is having eye surgery and we're going to help out. That Thursday, though, we're supposed to go to the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus with my sister and a friend. I'm really looking forward to it. The kids haven't been in a long time, so it'll be like the first time for them.

Well, as for an update on our monthly budget...we're officially at 22%. Yay!!! We're steadily going up. Our short term goal is to be 30% by sometime in November. If you'd like to know how you can help, just send us a comment.

To end this post, I've got a little video of Caleb dancing. Way too cute! I wish I had the actual music he's dancing to. It's one of those musical birthday cards. He kept opening it and closing it. Anyway, so here it is. Enjoy!


Robin said...


Anonymous said...

That's soooo cute Jaime!!! What a ham