Thursday, August 21, 2008

Almost End of August Update

Here we are almost at the end of August. I can't believe how this year is flying by. I thought I would include in this update a little bit of everything.

It's school time again! Yeah! I love this time of year...we have so much fun buying our new school supplies and curriculum. We went to our annual home school convention. We had a lot of fun shopping and looking at all the cool stuff that has come out. You can almost get overwhelmed by the amount of curriculum available these days. But luckily, I went with a list of those things I wanted and stuck with it. We gave each of the kids a small amount of money to buy whatever they wanted. They made some interesting choices. :) So, we officially start our school year on Monday with the rest of Texas. I figured that was a good way to go.

Our "fund-raising" is going well. We are making progress, and Keith keeps very busy with phone calls, meetings, and traveling. We aren't traveling as a family too much lately because it's hard on Caleb (and the rest of us sometimes, too), but Keith always takes one or two of the big kids with him. I'm talking about the overnight trips. Also, we just completed our newsletter and will have them all mailed by next week.

Health has been a bit of an issue lately. The kids have been passing around bronchitis. I tried treating it myself as long as possible, but the fevers just wouldn't go away and the coughs were getting worse. I feared pneumonia, so I gave in and brought each one (when it was their turn) to the doctor. Nicole goes this morning; though, I know exactly what the diagnosis is. They have each had to go on antibiotic which treats it very quickly. I hate putting them on antibiotic, but when you have to you have to. It's literally been years since they've been on one.

Well, I guess that's our "almost end of August" update. Hope that brings everyone up to speed. And speaking of traveling, I'll leave you with a Caleb car moment. Enjoy!

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