Thursday, February 5, 2009

History Comes To Dinner

This week we've been studying about ancient India for our history lessons. So, for dinner tonight I made Indian Chicken Curry. Along side it we had rice and naan. This is the first time we have ever made Indian food. And we loved it! The naan was especially good. Keith and Nicole made the naan (well, I made the dough).

Here's Keith rolling out the dough:

And Nicole cooking it:

Here's our yummy food (I added potatoes to my curry to stretch the meat).

Next week we learn about ancient China. Wonder what yummy food we can come up with then. :)

Note: This are just mini lessons, not comprehensive studies on these countries. It would take a lot longer than a week to fully study India or China. Oh, and I use Story of the World for our history.


Kristi said...

Sounds fun. 'Cept me and Indian food don't get along. At all. :) I bet yours was better than what I had though! You cook so well.

Anonymous said...

i'm so impressed the way y'all are learning and cooking together as a family...that's wonderful.