Monday, September 24, 2007

End of September Update

We've been quite busy these last few weeks. We've been traveling a lot; we're getting a little sick of the car, I think. But it needs to be done. Right now Keith is in San Antonio, and me and the kids are just chilling out at my mom's. I just don't like to stay home by myself. Anyway...

Well, we are at just about 20% with our monthly donations. It's not bad, but we were hoping to be further along. The sooner we get that in, the sooner we can depart. Our calendar is filling up with meetings, so hopefully that will help get us further along. I'll update again when it changes. Also, it's almost time for another newsletter, so be on the lookout for those. Well, guess that's it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well hopefully ya'll will get more support.