Friday, September 14, 2007

William's Wild Party

OK, maybe it wasn't exactly wild, but he (and the rest of the kids) had a lot of fun.

For all who don't know... We went down south for a week for meetings and visiting family. We had a great time, but it's good to be home, even if it's only for a few days. While down at my sister's we celebrated William's 8th birthday. We invited friends and family...grilled hot dogs, had a moonwalk and water slide, and the kids got to smash their first pinata! So, here's a few pictures of the party.

Here's the cake I made. It's a little sad looking, but it tasted good!

My sister's friends had a moonwalk and water slide, so they let us borrow it for the party. I don't know what we would have done without them! They were the highlight of the party.

I was really proud of the pinata. We stuffed it full of candy and little trinkets. So, here it is before the bashing.

And here it is after.

So, I'll leave with this little video of the kids having their pinata fun.


Anonymous said...

yup it was a great time!! =)

Robin said...

this was sooo much fun to watch those kids..they didn't put blind folds on them, they just weren't strong enough to bust the pinata until one of the STRONGER kids got up to bat! :D