Thursday, March 26, 2009

Still Truckin'

We're still here, finishing up the last bit. And I mean the last bit. We should definitely be out of here by the end of April. I can't believe we finally got here. It seems like it took forever, but yet it seems like we're rushing here at the end. Funny how that happens.

Well, William had his second (and last) surgery last Friday. He had his post-op appointment this afternoon and the dr. said he's doing just fine. Yeah! He goes back again in a couple of weeks to continue to check his progress and then that should be it. I will be so glad when that's all over. I know William will be too. But he has handled this like a champ. I'm really proud of him.

We have our mega-garage sale this weekend to get rid of EVERYTHING. I can't believe all the junk we have! It has been a really stressful week getting everything together, going through every nook and cranny, figuring out what we do and don't want, dealing with William's surgery....whew! Then...we head out next Tuesday to move in with Keith's mom. We just figured it would be easier to do all this a little early, so when we get our clearance to head to Northern Asia, we'll be ready. All we'll have to do is board the plane! So, we are looking at being at her house for a month, tops.

Keith is at a meeting tonight, so I'm stuck here tagging all the garage sale stuff by myself. Guess I better get a move on.

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